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Top 3 Nutrition Trends To Try Out for Optimal Health & Wellbeing

Nutrition plays a huge role in optimising our health and wellbeing; whether it’s to reach a healthy weight goal, build our immunity or fight certain diseases that we’re predisposed to. There’s a reason why certain nutrition trends emerge and it’s because we’re constantly discovering ways in which the food we eat can positively impact our overall health and well-being. 

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Relieve Swollen Feet and Leg Cramps During Pregnancy with These Exercises and Remedies

Swollen feet and leg cramps are common for those experiencing the wonders of pregnancy. Read on as Pilates, Gyrotonic, Nutritious Movement Restorative Exercise Specialist, Modern Yogi & Pre/Postnatal Instructor, and mother of three children herself, Nada Besir, shares some exercises, stretches and natural remedies to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with them. 

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