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The several misconceptions surrounding hypnotherapy often front this modality of healing as a little spooky, and also indicates how widely misunderstood this wonderful modality of healing really is.
When clinical hypnotherapist, Andria Kok, jumped on board at Core Collective, we were incredibly excited to raise a few of the most common myths and misconceptions, so she could debunk them once and for all!
1. When in a state of hypnosis, you have no control over what your body is doing.
In order to set this misconception straight, a better understanding of what hypnosis is a good place to start.
Hypnosis is often described as a trance-like state during which the hypnotherapist is able to make suggestions designed to help you become more open to change or therapeutic improvement.
These trance-like states are actually not all that uncommon. Clinical Hypnotherapist at Core Collective, Andria, describes hypnosis as a state between being asleep and awake. Zoning out while watching a movie or daydreaming, is similar to being in this trance-like state.
To address the first misconception, those put in a state of hypnosis still have full autonomy and control over what their body is doing. During these trance-like states, you are simply put in a heightened state of focus, so that you may be more open to suggestions from the hypnotherapist that, in your normal mental state, you may not necessarily pay so much attention to. All hypnotic suggestions are tailored to clients' goals in order to gain direct access to their mind for desired change.
2. You either fall asleep or become unconscious during a state of hypnosis.
As mentioned above, everyone has full control of what they are doing in a state of hypnosis. So you're always conscious in a sense that a hypnotherapist can’t ask you to do things against your will or beliefs.
10-15% of adults are highly hypnotisable, and they may drift into deep trance and experience a hypnotic phenomenon like temporary amnesia. They may not remember the suggestions that the hypnotherapist delivered to them after the session, however under deep trance, they still have ability to communicate with their therapist so that deeper healing is possible.
Under this state, clients will still have full control over their mind and body. Their mind will choose what to reveal to the
therapist and what not to. Hypnosis involves deep relaxation and there is a possibility that clients may drift into a natural sleep during their sessions.
The lack of understanding about how hypnotherapy works causes many to doubt the efficacy of hypnosis as a modality for healing.
Hypnotherapy is known to treat all sorts of debilitating conditions and problems including sleep issues, anxiety, chronic stress and even self-esteem issues and there have been several studies that have suggested the effectiveness of hypnotherapy.
Evidence from a study by the American College of Chest Physicians suggest that hospitalised patients who smoke may be more likely to quit smoking through the use of hypnotherapy than patients using other smoking cessation methods. Results also showed that smoking patients who participated in one single hypnotherapy session were more likely to be nonsmokers at six months compared with patients using nicotine replacement therapy alone or patients or quit “cold turkey”!
Similarly, studies have also highlighted the efficacy of hypnosis as a form of treatment for conditions such anxiety. For example, a 2019 meta-analysis concluded that participants treated with hypnosis improved more than about 84% of control participants with no medication or intervention.
4. Hypnotherapists are gifted with special powers.Upon sharing this statement with Andria, she laughed and responded with “I wish”.
Like other wellness professionals, hypnotherapists go through a process of learning the ins and outs of hypnotherapy in order to become certified. Hypnotherapists learn the art and science behind communication with the subconscious or unconscious mind.
Hypnotherapists have a strong understanding about how the mind works as well as the right language pattern, tonality and volume required to hypnotise people and connect with their mind.
So put simply, hypnotherapists aren’t born gifted with any special powers!
5. Only weak-minded people can be hypnotised.
Everyone can be hypnotised. We actually all experience hypnosis at least 2-3 times a day.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind with focused attention. Clients who are highly hypnotisable are simply those who have greater focus of attention.
When you hear someone say “I can't be hypnotised", it simply means that he/she dislikes the idea of someone else potentially affecting their mind. That said, such statements are not true because everyone experiences hypnotic suggestions throughout their lives. In fact, we can actually repeat suggestions to ourselves that eventually can becomes a form of belief.
Want to find out more about Hypnotherapy and how it can help improve your quality of life? Whatsapp Andria at to enquire.
Featured Contributor:
Andria is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis. She obtained an advance certificate in clinical hypnosis and behavioural change.
Her work focuses on weight management, stress and anxiety management, insomnia and improving confidence and self-esteem.