Getting strong and looking lean boils down to one thing: muscle hypertrophy. It’s the increase and growth of muscle cells resulting in an increase in muscular size achieved through exercise.
Aging, exposure to UV light, smoking, dehydrated skin, and stress are some of the many factors that contribute to wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. Preventing signs of aging for youthful, healthy and beautiful-looking skin requires looking after it from a young age.
Jan 14, 2020 - Resigned from my job of 7 years Feb 6 – Feb 14 - Quarantine March 21 – 31 - Stay Home Notice (unofficial) April 7 – Present - Circuit Breaker
The start of a new decade has not only taken the world by storm but has massively shifted the everyday routine of individuals. The world as we used to know is no more. Changes have to be made and measures for these, realigned.
Let's set it straight from the get-go that the tips provided by OMNI Strength & Performance in this article won’t give you a free pass to drink bottles upon bottles of alcohol, and still look and feel the way you want to.
The coronavirus outbreak has affected the lives of hundreds of thousands, and has made a significant impact on many businesses. While the pandemic continues to evolve, many are taking the time now to shift their business’ focus into mobilising, stabilising and strategising for a post-pandemic world.
While gyms across the world have shut their doors due to COVID-19, more people are running now than ever before.
In this article, we chat with Robbie MacGregor - a personal trainer at Core Collective and runner of Marathon des Sables (deemed the toughest foot race on Earth).
On a global level, it’s undeniable that COVID-19 has disrupted our normal life and routines - we’re stuck indoors, unable to work, socialize or entertain ourselves as we used to. A modern lifestyle centred around socialising has almost but taken a turn for the worse.