As a low-impact sport that hits almost every muscle in the body, swimming undoubtedly has fantastic benefits for physical health and wellbeing. Getting children, in particular, involved in swimming from a young age builds their confidence in being comfortably surrounded by or submerged in a body of water. Because of this, parents are becoming more conscious of getting their kids competent in swimming, as it enables them to take part in organised swimming activities as well as other recreational and social activities such as swimming, boating, fishing and diving.
Clearly, being able to swim is a useful skill for every parent's child to have. But what if we could show that there are more benefits that swimming can present to your child than we think? What if we told you that it could also make your tot smarter? According to a study led by Griffith University, we may be able to do just that.

In a four-year study, researchers of the Griffith Institute for Educational Research surveyed parents of 7000 children aged five and under and observed over 120 swimming lessons and 40 swim schools.
Intensive testing was done on children using internationally-recognized tests to assess developmental measures across a range of skills.
Unsurprisingly, the study found that children who took part in early swimming lessons performed better when they were tested in certain physical skills and achieved physical milestones faster.
What the lead researcher found astounding, however, was that youngsters who participated in early-years swimming also achieved a wide range of other non-physical milestones earlier than the normal population. They performed significantly better in cognitive, social and linguistic measures, as well as in fine-motor skills such as cutting paper, colouring in and drawing lines and shapes, and many mathematically-related tasks.
“the survey showed young swimmers are reported by their parents to be counting to 10 much earlier than is expected on developmental milestones.''
- Professor Jorgensen, Griffith University Researcher

The interim report recommends for children who may not be performing too well at school to participate in swimming lessons as researchers have suggested that many of these skills that the early-years swimming children score better on, are highly valuable in schooling and other areas of learning. It’s said that these skills are beneficial for children, especially as they transition into pre-school and school!
''Quality swimming lessons are rich in opportunities for learning beyond swimming skills … which may help in the transition to school,''
- Professor Jorgensen
Read the original article on Griffith News.

Looking to boost your child’s physical, cognitive and social development through swimming? SWISH! Swimming is at Core Collective Dempsey!
Your child is bound to love SWISH! Swimming’s unique parents/tots circuit swimming classes. Not only do their classes focus on swim skills such as blowing bubbles, floating and submersion, but they also emphasise having fun in water so the tots can also safely enjoy all sorts of watersports and activities!
This pass provides access to the newest and most exciting baby/tot swimming classes and adult aqua fitness at SWISH! Swimming School’s new Dempsey location.

SWISH! Swimming is a boutique swimming school offering an innovative programme of swimming lessons and aqua fitness for all ages (four months old+). We love water and the freedom and confidence that swimming can bring.
At SWISH!, we choose not to focus on drowning statistics and other types of fear to promote what we do. Instead, we carefully select coaches who can communicate the joy of swimming to their students, and inspire them to push through any learning challenges that they may encounter. We want our students to enjoy the water, just as we do. Our coaches spend time getting to know their students to understand any needs and concerns.
Our adult classes cover cardio, core, circuit, sports, ante and post natal, relaxation and rehabilitation.
Enjoy refreshing outdoor fitness in temperature-controlled pools with expert, energetic coaches. Our aim is that at SWISH!, you will never regret a swim #whenyouswimyoucan