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Business Guides (6)

How Personal Trainers Can Stop Trading Time For Money

Stop Trading Dollars for Hours with Eric Bach - PT COREntrepreneur Podcast

Whether it’s at an office desk or on the gym floor, the daily grind of hourly work gets old. Sure, some people manage to work a superhuman quantity of hours each week and come away with good money. But what about the quality of that work? Is it providing something of true, lasting value to the client? 

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How to Turn Your Gym Business Dream and Vision into Reality

Turning Your Gym Business Vision into Reality with Steve Grant - PT COREntrepreneur Podcast

Thinking of starting your own gym? Trying to grow and improve your existing business? With so much competition in the marketplace, running a successful gym is not simply a matter of setting up a facility and watching the money roll in. All things being equal, what makes or breaks a small business is its ability to connect personally with customers and inspire employees.

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