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About Priscilla Huang

Hello there! My name is Priscilla, and recently I have come about to being educated as an End-of-Life Doula with the International End-of-Life Doula Association (INELDA) based in New Jersey, America. I am also a qualified Occupational Therapist of about 15 years from Curtin University of Technology (AUS) and a level 3 Reiki Practitioner with The Reiki Centre (UK/Singapore).

I have always, since a young child, been inclined toward the healing arts and therefore, my professional and personal developmental pursuits have always been toward facilitating healing within myself and walking beside others with their own healing journey. My goal is to empower my clients in their healing journey and to facilitate their achieving, a state of being, of where they want to be. I graduated to become a Reiki Level 3 Practitioner in 2023. Since then, I have been regularly providing my services at the elderly activity centres together with a group of Reiki Practitioners.

As a wounded healer, I understand suffering. Therefore, my approach is gentle, empowering, nonjudgemental and client–centred. This means I do not force my clients into states where they are not yet ready to be and I do not declare myself to be an expert in my client’s life. Do contact me if you would like to give Reiki a go and experience how Reiki can be beneficial for you.